Thursday, October 13, 2011

In defense of coffee

Just started this blog, first post, and I'm already a winner! CAROinteriors selected my entry as the winner of her giveaway of  a set of terrific mugs. Off to a fun start!
I'm a quilter,and a crafter and childrens art teacher. And a mother and a grandmother and an adoptive mother of a new 13 year-old-boy.


  1. Hi Sam! I just saw your comment on my Santa toppers...I'm sorry you can't download them from Scribd! Shoot me an e-mail, 517creations(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll send you the .pdf! :)

  2. The mugs look awesome! Congrats on your new blog - and thank you so much for the sweet comment of encouragement over at mine. I didn't see a follower button or I'd be your newest - but I'm adding you to my google reader! Looking forward to more of your posts!

    xoxo michele

  3. Thanks for the comment on my blog and congrats on the win! I look forward to reading more from you as you grow your blog.

  4. Hi, Thanks for stopping by my Blog Buddy post. Hope it helps. I also wanted to stop by here to let you know your profile is set to "no reply", which means there isn't an email address attached to your comments. Once you leave a comment on a blog, no one can email you back. If you'd ever like to change that, I have a quick tutorial on the right side bar of my blog labeled "No Reply".
    Take care and good luck with your new blog,

  5. Congratulations on winning something so soon. You're off to a great start.
